This week I've been doing observation in a third grade summer school classroom. I have to get 48 hours of observation/teaching time in for my Masters. So for my lesson I have to teach, I'm teaching them about, what else? Bees! So today I brought in my veil, smoker, hive tool, and a frame of capped honey, along with some pictures of my hives and my bees. Let me tell you, it has been a blast! The kids seem really excited about it! I only wish I could get an observation hive to bring in and let them see the bees up close.
Michael Bush's observation hive---->
I'm also working on a website for my ED 630 Computer Literacy for Teachers class. I had to pick a topic, so I picked (drum roll!) honeybees! I have been gathering a collection of about 20 websites that I can direct both students and/or teachers to. Once I have this website (and collection of websites) available, I'll post a link here so other beekeeping teachers can have access to it. I'll also be attaching my webquest for 5th graders that I developed.
On another note, I went to the opening night of the Rush tour Wednesday! It was awesome! I'm planning on writing a post about it soon, and will include some pictures that I took. I must say, the 11th row from the stage has a nice view!
In the meantime, have a great day!
UPDATE! (Well, sort of...)
12 years ago
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